Quick Facts
about Prophet ﷺ
"And you are truly ˹a man˺ of outstanding character"
[Surah Al-Qalam 68:4]

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ never passed a judgement when he was angry

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ asked to wish for others what you wish for yourself

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ asked to pay the labourer before their sweat dries

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ asked not to hunt unnecessarily

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was super kind to animals

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ forbade beating animals

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ would start from his right foot when wearing his shoes

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ asked not to burden a servant with work that they incapable of doing

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ encouraged to share meals with your house help / servant / cook / housemaid.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ never used bad language

If Prophet Muhammad ﷺ disliked something, the sign of aversion would appear on his face.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said that people are of different natures

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ liked to eat cucumbers with fresh dates

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said Spread peace between yourselves.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said that Allah does not look at your appearance or wealth, but rather He looks at your hearts and actions.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, To feed the hungry; to greet with peace those you know and those you do not know.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, the merciful will be shown mercy by The Most Merciful.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said the most complete of believers in faith are those with the best character and who are most kind to their families.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said to not belittle any act of kindness.

Prophet Muhammad said, "I was sent to perfect good character."

Prophet Muhammad said, 'Every religion has a character, and the character of Islam is modesty.'

Prophet Muhammad said, “Haya’ (Modesty) leads to nothing but good.”

Prophet Muhammad never criticized food; if he liked it he would eat it, otherwise he would leave it.

Prophet Muhammad preferred to set out on a journey on Thursdays.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ always encourages to look after orphans

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ encouraged to exchange gifts among people

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said to live in this world like a traveler

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ asked to not go to extremes

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ encouraged planting trees

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said there is a reward for serving any living creature

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ would start from his right side when combing his hair

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ asked to act kindly to parents regardless of their religion

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said that Politeness with people is charity

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was shier than a veiled virgin girl

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ never criticized any food presented to him

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ disassociated with people who practice self harm

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used to eat watermelon with ripe dates

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said that No one who has the weight of a seed of arrogance in his heart will enter Paradise.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said that A man will not enter Paradise if his neighbour is not secure from his evil.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, The believer does not insult others.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said that he was not sent to invoke curses, but rather he was only sent as mercy.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said treat people as one would love to be treated.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said by a believer's good character, he will attain the degree of one who prays during the night and fasts during the day.

Prophet Muhammad said, 'Every act of goodness is charity'

The Prophet forbade robbery and mutilation of bodies.

Prophet Muhammad’s laughter was just a smile.

Prophet Muhammad said, Do not abuse the dead ones, for they have reached their deeds.

Prophet Muhammad   said, ‘If modesty is added to anything it beautifies it and if immodesty is added to anything it makes it ugly.’