Our Prophet's
"And you are truly ˹a man˺ of outstanding character"
[Surah Al-Qalam 68:4]
15 Signs of the Prophet to come - What the Torah said about Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his companions
By: Shaikh Zafar Ul Hasan Al Madani
You see them bowing and prostrating [in prayer], seeking bounty from Allah and [His] pleasure. Their mark is on their faces from the trace of prostration. That is their description in the Torah. And their description in the Gospel is as a plant which produces its offshoots and strengthens them so they grow firm and stand upon their stalks, delighting the sowers
(Al Fatah, verse 29)

A very prominent Jewish scholar Ka’ab bin Ahbab had embraced Islam, soon after the Prophet ﷺ passed away. Umar bin al-Khattab used to respect him a lot.  He used to get a lot of answers from him. Imam Darulkatnee has extensively informed about Ka’ab bin Ahbab in his sahih. Ka’ab said, “ We used to read in the Torah about Muhammad ﷺ, “Muhammad will be my Messenger and a chosen one (Mukhtar).

  1. He would not be short tempered.
  2. He would not be hard hearted.
  3. He would not speak aloudly in market.
  4. He would never return evil with evil. 
  5. He would be forgiving people, who do wrong to him.
  6. He would be born in Makkah, then he would migrate to Madinah.
  7. Soon he would dominate the region of Sham ( Iraq, Syria, Palestine and Jordan).
  8. His followers won’t be like common men but they would be extremely fond of praising Allah in adversity and prosperity. ( the Torah titles as ‘Hammad’, a superlative degree of one who praises too much). They will praise Allah in each act of theirs.
  9. When they travel or reach heights to see the scenarios created by Allah, they would exclaim, “Allahuakbar.” (An expression of Greatness of Allah not matter how high we reach).
  10. They would keep a watch on the movement of sun, in order to pray in time including five times prayers and other non obligatory prayers during whole day. Even many ritual during Hajj and Fastings are connected with the movement of sun.
  11. They would wear their trousers on their sheens or little longer but upto ankles and not beyond them.
  12. They would wash their face, hands and feet before standing up for prayers.
  13. One of them would stand up and give a call in the environment, “Come to prayers, come to success.”
  14. They would stand in a firm row while in battle as well as while in prayers.
  15. They will wake up in the last part of night and repent for their sins while their sound will be like that of the buzzing of bees. ( referring to the sound of weeping voice in prayers)
Kitabul Buyu, Karahiyat e sakbe fil aswab
Hadith no. 24 & Tafseer Surah Ahzab
Torah in Islamic Perspective

According to a section of Muslim scholars, the entire compilation of divine books upto the time of Moses are titled as Torah. If this analogy is right, then it is a great honour for the followers of Prophet Muhammad ﷺto be mentioned in each divine book as those who praise Allah as the above prophecy shows.

The legacy of the Prophet continues ...

Miya Nazir Hussain’s student, Hafiz Abdul Manar had a Madarasa in Gujranawala of Pakistan. Some neighbours went to the court and complained that the Madarasa boys seem to have tamed a lot of pigeons and  a strange disturbing sound from their Madarasa  echoes at night. The British court summoned Abdul Mannar.  The Madarasa management  refused the allegation.  Irreligious people complained again. When the British investigated the whole matter, they came to know that the boys were reciting Qur’an at night and some of them even wept upon reaching certain verses about the punishment of Allah. It was a norm for every student of Madarasa to offer Tahajjud.

Thus, we notice that the exclusive qualities of the followers of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ mentioned in the Torah reflect good qualities of Akhlaq (character).