
الترغيب والترهيب


Book of Manners

كتاب الأدب


Chapter 45: Withdrawing from trials

Al-Mundhiri recorded the following chapter in his book Al-Targhib wal-Tarhib:

الترغيب في العزلة لمن لا يأمن على نفسه عند الاختلاط

Encouragement to withdraw from people if one is not safe from trials by mixing with them.

Source: al-Targhīb wal-Tarhīb 3/439

Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْعَبْدَ التَّقِيَّ الْغَنِيَّ الْخَفِيَّ

Verily, Allah loves a servant who is righteous, independent, and obscure.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2965, Grade: Sahih

Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported: It was said, “O Messenger of Allah, which people are best?” The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

مُؤْمِنٌ يُجَاهِدُ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ بِنَفْسِهِ وَمَالِهِ

A believer who strives in the way of Allah with his life and property.

They said, “Then who?” The Prophet said:

مُؤْمِنٌ فِي شِعْبٍ مِنْ الشِّعَابِ يَتَّقِي اللَّهَ وَيَدَعُ النَّاسَ مِنْ شَرِّهِ

A believer in a narrow valley who fears his Lord and spares people from his evil.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 2634, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi

In another narration, the Prophet said:

رَجُلٌ مُعْتَزِلٌ فِي شِعْبٍ مِنَ الشِّعَابِ يَعْبُدُ رَبَّهُ

A man who withdraws into a narrow valley to worship his Lord.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1888, Grade: Sahih

Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

يُوشِكُ أَنْ يَكُونَ خَيْرَ مَالِ الْمُسْلِمِ غَنَمٌ يَتْبَعُ بِهَا شَعَفَ الْجِبَالِ وَمَوَاقِعَ الْقَطْرِ يَفِرُّ بِدِينِهِ مِنْ الْفِتَنِ

Soon the best property of a Muslim will be a flock of sheep he takes to the top of a mountain, or in the valleys of rainfall, fleeing with his religion from tribulations.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 19, Grade: Sahih

Ibn Abbas reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

أَلَا أُخْبِرُكُمْ بِخَيْرِ النَّاسِ رَجُلٌ مُمْسِكٌ بِعِنَانِ فَرَسِهِ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أَلَا أُخْبِرُكُمْ بِالَّذِي يَتْلُوهُ رَجُلٌ مُعْتَزِلٌ فِي غُنَيْمَةٍ لَهُ يُؤَدِّي حَقَّ اللَّهِ فِيهَا أَلَا أُخْبِرُكُمْ بِشَرِّ النَّاسِ رَجُلٌ يُسْأَلُ بِاللَّهِ وَلَا يُعْطِي بِهِ

Shall I not tell you of the best of people? A man who clutches the reins of his horse in the way of Allah. Shall I not tell of the best after him? A man who withdraws with his flocks to fulfill the right of Allah therein. Shall I not tell you of the worst of people? A man who is asked by Allah and does not give in charity for his sake.

Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 1652, Grade: Sahih

Mu’adh ibn Jabal reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

مَنْ جَاهَدَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ كَانَ ضَامِنًا عَلَى اللَّهِ وَمَنْ عَادَ مَرِيضًا كَانَ ضَامِنًا عَلَى اللَّهِ وَمَنْ غَدَا إِلَى مَسْجِدٍ أَوْ رَاحَ كَانَ ضَامِنًا عَلَى اللَّهِ وَمَنْ دَخَلَ عَلَى إِمَامٍ يُعَزِّزُهُ كَانَ ضَامِنًا عَلَى اللَّهِ وَمَنْ جَلَسَ فِي بَيْتِهِ لَمْ يَغْتَبْ إِنْسَانًا كَانَ ضَامِنًا عَلَى اللَّهِ

Whoever wages jihad in the way of Allah, his safety is assured by Allah. Whoever visits a sick person, his safety is assured by Allah. Whoever visits the mosque in the morning or evening, his safety is assured by Allah. Whoever enters the dwelling of a prayer leader to honor him, his safety is assured by Allah. Whoever sits in his house and does not backbite any human being, his safety is assured by Allah.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Ibn Ḥibbān 377, Grade: Sahih

Aisha reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

خَصَلاتٌ سِتٌّ مَا مِنْ مُسْلِمٍ يَمُوتُ فِي وَاحِدَةٍ مِنْهُنَّ إِلا كَانَ ضَامِنًا عَلَى اللَّهِ أَنْ يُدْخِلَهُ الْجَنَّةَ رَجُلٌ خَرَجَ مُجَاهِدًا فَإِنْ مَاتَ فِي وَجْهِهِ كَانَ ضَامِنًا عَلَى اللَّهِ وَرَجُلٌ تَبِعَ جَنَازَةً فَإِنْ مَاتَ فِي وَجْهِهِ كَانَ ضَامِنًا عَلَى اللَّهِ وَرَجُلٌ عَادَ مَرِيضًا فَإِنْ مَاتَ فِي وَجْهِهِ كَانَ ضَامِنًا عَلَى اللَّهِ وَرَجُلٌ تَوَضَّأَ فَأَحْسَنَ الْوُضُوءَ ثُمَّ خَرَجَ إِلَى مَسْجِدٍ لِصَلاتِهِ فَإِنْ مَاتَ فِي وَجْهِهِ كَانَ ضَامِنًا عَلَى اللَّهِ وَرَجُلٌ أَتَى إِمَامًا لا يَأْتِيهِ إِلا لِيُعَزِّرَهُ وَيُوَقِّرَهُ فَإِنْ مَاتَ فِي وَجْهِهِ ذَلِكَ كَانَ ضَامِنًا عَلَى اللَّهِ وَرَجُلٌ فِي بَيْتِهِ لا يَغْتَابُ مُسْلِمًا وَلا يَجُرُّ إِلَيْهِ سَخَطًا وَلا يَنْقِمُهُ فَإِنْ مَاتَ فِي وَجْهِهِ كَانَ ضَامِنًا عَلَى اللَّهِ

No Muslim dies with one of six traits but that he has a guarantee from Allah he will be admitted into Paradise. A man who goes out for jihad; if he dies in this state, his guarantee is upon Allah. A man who follows a funeral procession; if he dies in this state, his guarantee is upon Allah. A man who visits a sick person; if he dies in this state, his guarantee is upon Allah. A man who performs ablution in the best manner and then goes out to the mosque for his prayer; if he dies in this state, his guarantee is upon Allah. A man who comes to a Muslim leader for no reason but to honor and respect him; if he dies in this state, his guarantee is upon Allah. A man in his house who does not backbite a Muslim and he does not bring displeasure or vengeance upon himself; if he dies in this state, his guarantee is upon Allah.

Source: al-Mu’jam al-Awsaṭ 3948, Grade: Sahih li ghayrihi

Thawban reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

طُوبَى لِمَنْ مَلَكَ لِسَانَهُ وَوَسِعَهُ بَيْتُهُ وَبَكَى عَلَى خَطِيئَتِهِ

Blessed is one who controls his tongue, whose house is spacious, and who weeps for his sins.

Source: al-Mu’jam al-Awsaṭ 2398, Grade: Hasan

‘Uqbah ibn ‘Amir reported: I said, “O Messenger of Allah, what will save us?” The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

أَمْسِكْ عَلَيْكَ لِسَانَكَ وَلْيَسَعْكَ بَيْتُكَ وَابْكِ عَلَى خَطِيئَتِكَ

Control your tongue, let your house be enough for you, and weep for your sins.

Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2406, Grade: Sahih

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

سَتَكُونُ فِتَنٌ الْقَاعِدُ فِيهَا خَيْرٌ مِنْ الْقَائِمِ وَالْقَائِمُ خَيْرٌ مِنْ الْمَاشِي وَالْمَاشِي فِيهَا خَيْرٌ مِنْ السَّاعِي مَنْ تَشَرَّفَ لَهَا تَسْتَشْرِفْهُ فَمَنْ وَجَدَ مَلْجَأً أَوْ مَعَاذًا فَلْيَعُذْ بِهِ

There will come tribulations in which one sitting will be better than one standing. The one standing will be better than one walking. The one walking will be better than one running. Whoever seeks these tribulations will be destroyed by them. Whoever finds a place of shelter or refuge, let him take refuge in it.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6670, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi

Abu Musa al-Ashari reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

إِنَّ بَيْنَ يَدَيْ السَّاعَةِ فِتَنًا كَقِطَعِ اللَّيْلِ الْمُظْلِمِ يُصْبِحُ الرَّجُلُ فِيهَا مُؤْمِنًا وَيُمْسِي كَافِرًا وَيُمْسِي مُؤْمِنًا وَيُصْبِحُ كَافِرًا الْقَاعِدُ فِيهَا خَيْرٌ مِنْ الْقَائِمِ وَالْمَاشِي فِيهَا خَيْرٌ مِنْ السَّاعِي فَكَسِّرُوا قِسِيَّكُمْ وَقَطِّعُوا أَوْتَارَكُمْ وَاضْرِبُوا سُيُوفَكُمْ بِالْحِجَارَةِ فَإِنْ دُخِلَ يَعْنِي عَلَى أَحَدٍ مِنْكُمْ فَلْيَكُنْ كَخَيْرِ ابْنَيْ آدَمَ

Verily, right before the Hour there will be a tribulation like pieces of the dark night in which a man may be a believer in the morning and an unbeliever by evening, or a believer in the evening and an unbeliever by morning. He who sits down during it will be better than he who rises up, and he who walks during it will be better than one running. Break your bows, cut your bowstrings, and strike your swords against the rock. If someone comes to kill you, be like the better of the two sons of Adam. (5:28)

Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4259, Grade: Sahih

Al-Miqdad ibn al-Aswad reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

إِنَّ السَّعِيدَ لَمَنْ جُنِّبَ الْفِتَنَ إِنَّ السَّعِيدَ لَمَنْ جُنِّبَ الْفِتَنِ إِنَّ السَّعِيدَ لَمَنْ جُنِّبَ الْفِتَنُ وَلَمَنْ ابْتُلِيَ فَصَبَرَ فَوَاهًا

Verily, blessed is one kept away from tribulations, blessed is one kept away from tribulations, blessed is one kept away from tribulations, yet excellent is one who is afflicted and bears it patiently.

Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4263, Grade: Sahih

Abdullah ibn Amr reported: We were gathered around the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, while he mentioned tribulations, saying:

إِذَا رَأَيْتُمْ النَّاسَ قَدْ مَرِجَتْ عُهُودُهُمْ وَخَفَّتْ أَمَانَاتُهُمْ وَكَانُوا هَكَذَا

If you see that people have disordered their commitments, diminished their trusts, and are as jumbled as this,

Then, the Prophet interlaced his fingers. I said, “How should I act if that happens?” The Prophet said:

الْزَمْ بَيْتَكَ وَامْلِكْ عَلَيْكَ لِسَانَكَ وَخُذْ بِمَا تَعْرِفُ وَدَعْ مَا تُنْكِرُ وَعَلَيْكَ بِأَمْرِ خَاصَّةِ نَفْسِكَ وَدَعْ عَنْكَ أَمْرَ الْعَامَّةِ

Stay in your house, control your tongue, accept what you know is good, reject what you know is evil, take care of your affairs specifically and abandon the affairs of the common people.

Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4343, Grade: Sahih